Friday, 24 February 2012

I'm Back!

Well, as the title clearly states ... I'm Back!!! and this time I'm hoping it's for good :D

Anyways I think I'm going to discuss about my daily life today.

Eh, well today was kinda like any other ol' day. Though two days ago I met this new girl (whose name I will refrain from mentioning). She's new to our school, I believe, but ever since she met me, she's been all clingy like. I'm not one to say cuz i cling to people sometimes too but not like her. Every time she sees me she'll run up and use me as some kind of portable cushion at her disposal. I don't like it. And on top of that she says mean things though she's joking (i think) and she doesn't say "i'm just kidding" or anything afterwards. Yea, okay, I understand that not all people say that when their kidding but like come on, those are exceptions because those people are really good of friends, and that's not the case here. I barely know her, and I hardly even remember her name! But then again maybe it's just me that's a little dense, but I can never tell when she's kidding and when she's serious.

We actually met through mutual friends but now she's like trying to get me to stray from my friends so that I can hang out with her and only her. That's too bad cuz I have no intention of leaving my friends or being her little b*tch. She can go suck a dick. I don't give a shit. ARGH!!!! See how frustrated I am just talking ABOUT her. I can't believe I actually managed to pull on that fake little smile every time I see her. 

I need a solution to this chick. I don't think I can deal with her any longer and I can't wait till March Break. She's leaving a week early and coming back a week later. BOO YAH!!! FREEDOM 55!!! Damnnn I'm so mean but I can't help it. I'm fine with her just as long as she gets a little attitude adjustment.Right now, I can't handle her because of the way she's trying to steal me away. However I understand how the new kid feels like, and I know they just want friends but I don't understand why she only wants to be friends with me. 

Alright imagine this scenario. You've just made friends with a new girl, and were just talking to her a few seconds ago. She gets close and decides to cling to your arm but releases it later because your bag keeps on hitting her arm (tote). Now you've decided to talk to another friend but out of the corner of your eye you see she wants to barge in and come in the middle of the conversation. After lunch, she introduces you to a friend of yours saying "she's my twin for the day" when the only thing in common are the jeans and shirt. Later she "jokes" with the same friend you were talking to before (at the beginning) and says she looks like a shaggy dog (she doesn't by the way). Now you've decided to ignore her because she can get mean and talkative at times. You think she notices you ignoring her because she leaves to go find her other friend. How would you feel about this situation?

I need help people because this is what happened. I don't know what to do! Today I even tried my best to avoid her but it doesn't help when she's lurking by at our usual table in the cafeteria. This is such a huge dilema because some of my other friends don't seem to notice. It's either I'm too paranoid and think she has an ulterior move or my friends are too naive and believe she's a typical "nice" girl. But from what I'm getting at, I don't see a nice girl in any way. She's also a bragger, talking about her online profits, her accessories, nd stuff like that. I have mild interest in her boring topics, but I don't know if she noticed that I'm just nodding in all the right places and completely ignoring her. XD

anyways, a good thing in life? Well my friend curled my hair in cosmo class today so I got a bunch of complements from people today, so well I guess it's an ego booster. Yay my self esteem went up by *this* much today :D

Oh and if all you readers out there wanna see the ending to the "Crimson Melody" story here's the link:
ughhh ... nvm, failzilla's being gay .... i'll upload the link for it later

thanks for reading, 



Sunday, 5 February 2012

Sorry Sorry!

Well, to all those who have read my blogs,

I must APOLOGIZE!!!!!! (for not updating in the past iunno, 3 months?)

Yes now please let me explain. During the month of January I ran out of internet. And thus I was stuck at home bored out of my mind. So now to compensate for what i have done, I'm releasing a short preview of my now completed story. This may take some time to upload since I need to edit this work but here it is for now!

It's called Crimson Melody.

Is it alright to relive the moments we had together? The times when we did nothing but watch movies and cuddle? Ah, I even recall our first kiss together. Hey Katie, how many years have we been together already? I thought you loved me. I thought you really did, but I guess I was wrong. I want to ask you Katie, since when were you and him together? But then again, did you really love me? Katie I hope you’ll do well. After all, when I’m gone; you’ll only be the butterfly I set free.

It’s alright to pretend that you were never really there with me, right?

I remember the times when we first got together. We called each other all the time, been all romantic and shared many special moments together. Everyone thought our love would last a life time. We were a perfect match, ne? Wasn’t our firsts’ great. I still have the gift you gave me from the first birthday I spent with you. I still have the photos we took during the Christmas party, and the New Year’s luck slip you gave me on the 8th of January when we visited the shrine together. Hey Katie, want to take a walk down memory lane with me? We could re-experience everything we’ve been through… Oh, sorry Katie, I forgot you had another. 


Well? What did you all think about part one? I hope it's enough to compensate for now. :P well anyways, enjoy!!!

warning: it's a depressing story. readers discretion is advised.

And also, sorry for the highlighting!!! i wrote this on word, tried to highlight, copy and pasted here and finally couldn't find the correctly matched background colour! grrrrrr!!!

oh yea, when i finish posting the whole story you will find it on my quizilla account in which the link will be posted soon.

And again, if i get messages at the end saying i should rewrite it into a happy ending, then i will. This is because my dear editing friends were mad at me for the sad ending and started yelling at me to rewrite it. i ignored them XD but remember feel free to message me about it! i'll rewrite it if i have more than 4 messages :D

That's it for now!

Yours Truly, 


Illustration of a white background with a black bird silhouette flying over black foliage


Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Tuesday November 29th 2011

Kay so nothing much is going on today ... 

1. i found out who my crush used to like ... and she's like a prodigy in everything ... i can't even compare T___T

2. i earned more hours today!!!! yay!!!!

and that's it ... fabuloso life i have eh?

anyways, i'm in a crappy mood for god knows what reason ... sooo BYEE!!!



Monday, 28 November 2011

Katekyo Hitman Reborn OMG!



Monday November 28th 2011

i just found out something amazing!!! (well at least to me)

i was just searching up pictures of belphegor from katekyo hitman reborn and came across a wikipedia site for "belphegor".

anyways did you know .. the names from Varia are also the ones from the Seven deadly sins???

i'm so shocked!!!!!!!! it's so amazing!!!

Lucifer: Pride (superbia) <--- similar to superbi
Mammon: Greed (avarita)<---- as you all know, Mammon
Asmodeus: Lust (luxuria) <----- lussuria
Leviathan: Envy (invidia) <---- leviathan
Beelzebub: Gluttony (gula or gullia)
Satan/Amon: Wrath (ira)
Belphegor: Sloth (acedia) <---- belphegor

i think the only two not on here is Xanxus, and Fran

well that's it for today!


love you guys!! <3

visit my youtube page!!!
Username: kittykatluvRockz

please rate and comment on my video please, i don't have a lot of confidence in it so ... yea

add me on youtube if you want. Just send my a message in my inbox saying it's from blogger. I'll accept :D




Saturday, 26 November 2011

Saturday November 26, 2011

alright so this is the start of my eventful life postings. I'm not going to stall anymore so here goes nothing:

Black Bird Flying


It Just Doesn't Work
Today has got to be one of those embarrassing days. I woke up this morning thinking it was going to be another boring day but oh how wrong I was.

My parents decided to go Christmas shopping on one of the most busiest weekends of the year, the day after black Friday. There's this sale at the typical electronics retailer store for like the Xbox kinnect or something. We were about to buy it but my parents (the worry warts) are confused at how it works so they asked one of the employees who work there. It turned out he was one pretty hot guy.

Well, now can you imagine what happens with a hot guy and embarrassing parents trying to figure out how to play the kinnect?

How about I tell you.

It doesn't work. That's my only advice. My dad is versing the guy in tennis and a crowd starts to form around them. All you can see is my dad, whose playing very intensely with the big motion tennis swings versus the guy, whose only making small movements.

How embarrassing is that?

On top of that, my dad's losing and i can hear the crowd suppressing their laughter. By that time I think I was red enough to make any tomatoes jealous. So finally after about 10 minutes they stop playing and we find out that their sold out. What a fantastic day right?

Oh and remember! When you're walking out with your parents is a situation like this, don't hold your head high with dignity. They'll only laugh behind you as you start to turn red again. The best thing to do is to try to find a way out without attracting attention or pretend you don't know your parents.

Lesson(s) of the day: 
Don't let your parents socialize with hot guys who work for Xbox. Don't ever let him try to teach your parents how to play. And don't ever stand near your parents when they've attracted a crowd, you don't want to be apart of it. Because ....

It just DOESN'T work.
