Saturday, 26 November 2011

Saturday November 26, 2011

alright so this is the start of my eventful life postings. I'm not going to stall anymore so here goes nothing:

Black Bird Flying


It Just Doesn't Work
Today has got to be one of those embarrassing days. I woke up this morning thinking it was going to be another boring day but oh how wrong I was.

My parents decided to go Christmas shopping on one of the most busiest weekends of the year, the day after black Friday. There's this sale at the typical electronics retailer store for like the Xbox kinnect or something. We were about to buy it but my parents (the worry warts) are confused at how it works so they asked one of the employees who work there. It turned out he was one pretty hot guy.

Well, now can you imagine what happens with a hot guy and embarrassing parents trying to figure out how to play the kinnect?

How about I tell you.

It doesn't work. That's my only advice. My dad is versing the guy in tennis and a crowd starts to form around them. All you can see is my dad, whose playing very intensely with the big motion tennis swings versus the guy, whose only making small movements.

How embarrassing is that?

On top of that, my dad's losing and i can hear the crowd suppressing their laughter. By that time I think I was red enough to make any tomatoes jealous. So finally after about 10 minutes they stop playing and we find out that their sold out. What a fantastic day right?

Oh and remember! When you're walking out with your parents is a situation like this, don't hold your head high with dignity. They'll only laugh behind you as you start to turn red again. The best thing to do is to try to find a way out without attracting attention or pretend you don't know your parents.

Lesson(s) of the day: 
Don't let your parents socialize with hot guys who work for Xbox. Don't ever let him try to teach your parents how to play. And don't ever stand near your parents when they've attracted a crowd, you don't want to be apart of it. Because ....

It just DOESN'T work.


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